For customers living in over 10km Notice of curtailment delivery area for frozen items Until now, we've been delivered frozen items safely to almost all areas in Thailand, but due to congestion and delay problem becaouse of the influence of Covid 19, we decided to deliver frozen items only for where COOLTaQBIN (Frozen vehicle delivery) is supported地鶏の刺身 ブランド地鶏さつま若しゃもの新鮮な肉を刺身で。ショウガなどの薬味を添えて、とろけるような味わいをお楽しみください。 キビナゴの刺身 イワシ科の小魚で大きさは約7・8センチ。鮮度抜群のキビナゴの刺身は、銀色に光る小刀のようです。